Thank you BioHealth Innovation, Inc. and AstraZeneca for another successful hashtag#BioHealth Capital Region BioBowl last night. The Children's National Hospital team had a blast. And, we loved the slogan on our T-Shirts "Advancing Science. Accelerating Innovation."
Richard Bendis Judy Costello @Albine Martin, Ph.D. Luis Gutierrez Jeff Walpole Sara Alyamani Whitney Black, MHA Justin Opfermann Lisa Romano BioBuzz Gayatri Varma Jarrod Borkat TEDCO Arti Santhanam Anthony Ho
hashtag#innovate4kids hashtag#bhcr hashtag#jlabs hashtag#pediatrics hashtag#healthcareinnovation hashtag#innovators
Very cool seeing so many people from the different BioHealth Capital Region. 30+ lanes of companies. BioHealth Innovation, Inc. BioBuzz
It’s getting competitive over here at the amazing hashtag#biobowl19 we are cohosting with AstraZeneca for the BioHealth Capital Region